Monday, January 11, 2010

Framed ... ~~

For ages i just followed your bid;
Doing things for you, though ill at ease.
Heard you say things about whatever I did.
Always seeking approval,always trying to please.

But now no more putting up with the same;
Won't cut down my picture to fit your frame!

Oh! So it is me you are afraid to lose?!
But Folks,when did you ever let me be me?
What you want of me is not what I choose.
Don't tell me what's right, just let me be!

If you make the rules,I won't play the game!
Won't cut down my picture to fit your frame!

I care a damn what you think, is a mistake.
I am what I am;This is the way I want to live.
I just cannot keep doing things for your sake,
coz you cannot forget & you cannot forgive!!

You don't like it this way?!What a shame!
Won't cut down my picture to fit your frame!

You don't like what I say? Go take a walk!
Will take your din no more,Will drown out the noise.
You said what you had to; it's my turn to talk
Mute for ages,now I have found my voice
Don't care what you call me;I will make a Name,
But won't cut down my picture to fit your frame! ! !


pRasad said...

Superb !

I liked this sentence particularly - Won't cut down my picture to fit your frame ! :)

Priyanka said...

Thank you!!!!
Please do see my other blog

and do comment!